(Quick Reference)

3 Further Configuration - Reference Documentation

Authors: Antony Jones, Peter Ledbrook

Version: 2.2.1

3 Further Configuration

Provided that you have read the Quick Start guide, you should have some configuration which looks a little like this:

oauth {
        providers {
            twitter {
                api = TwitterApi
                key = 'my-key'
                secret = 'my-secret'

You're now in a good position to configure some further elements of the plugin if you need to.

Provider specific configuration

Adding a second provider

Adding a second provider is as easy as adding your provider-specific configuration to the providers block:

oauth {
        providers {
            twitter {
                api = TwitterApi
                key = 'my-key'
                secret = 'my-secret'
            facebook {
                api = FacebookApi
                key = 'other-key'
                secret = 'other-secret'

Adding a callback URI

Some providers allow for a callback URI to be specified on the providers side. If you would prefer to pass the callback as you make the authentication request, you can do so by configuring the callback parameter in the configuration.

A callback uri can be specified at the provider level:

oauth {
      providers {
          twitter {
              api = TwitterApi
              key = 'my-key'
              secret = 'my-secret'
              callback = "${application.baseUrl}/oauth/twitter/callback"

You can specify whatever you'd like for a callback, but the format http://yourApp.url/oauth/providerName/callback will allow for the built-in oauth callback controller to add the accessToken details into your application's session as detailed in '4. Using the Plugin'.

Adding a SignatureType

An Oauth2 SignatureType can be specified at the provider level, if your provider requires a specific method.

Valid SignatureTypes are SignatureType.QueryString or SignatureType.Header:

oauth {
      providers {
          twitter {
              api = TwitterApi
              key = 'my-key'
              secret = 'my-secret'
              signatureType = SignatureType.QueryString

Oauth provider scope

Some providers (such as google) require a scope to be set for an oauth connection. The scope directive shown below will enable you to set this as necessary.

oauth {
      providers {
          twitter {
              api = GoogleApi
              key = 'my-key'
              secret = 'my-secret'
              scope = 'my-scope'

Global configuration

Turning request debugging on

As of Scribe 1.2.3, debugging of HTTP traffic can be enabled to make troubleshooting issues easier. To enable this feature, add 'debug = true' in your global configuration:

oauth {
      providers {
          twitter {
              api = TwitterApi
              key = 'my-key'
              secret = 'my-secret'
      debug = true

Adding connect and receive timeouts

Sometimes you want to account for slower providers, or just fail more quickly if a provider isn't responding the way you would like it to. Connect and Receive timeouts can be configured for this purpose.

The default value for both of these parameters is 30000ms (30 seconds)

oauth {
        providers {
            twitter {
                api = TwitterApi
                key = 'myKey'
                secret = 'mySecret'
        connectTimeout = 5000
        receiveTimeout = 5000

In the example above, we set both connect and receive timeouts to be 5000ms (5 seconds). This is also useful if you want to test your resilience to failure as part of a test suite.